Halloween has been dead and buried for at least a week now when I finally had a chance to look at the photos. Halloween is near my birthday so it symbolizes dying and rebirth to me.
This year I was lucky to have a chance to wear my Halloween costume several times.

Nemo playing with a hat while waiting mom to get dressed.
Come on, mom!
Nemo fooling around.
Lovely Ibi Love invited us to scare the ghosts away and also to celebrate her birthday.All the pumpkins were sold out from the shops, so this lantern symbolized our pumpkin, light, earth, heaven, sun, moon, football, rebirth...
We found couple of Scream masks from the dumpster with the boy next door just before Halloween and they gave us lots of fun. These two little boys looked so ridiculous screaming and running and scaring the passers by that I just couldn't stop laughing. I made Scream7 video out of it, but apparently for some strange reason that I just don't get right now, it is not working here, so here's only a still photo then.
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