I want to introduce to You some of my favorite places near home.
Favorite place number 1.
The hill and the rocks just behind our home. My own "top of the mountain" where I run and jump around and explore things, lie down and read or just be. This is a place where on a sunny day I get an extreme happy feeling into my heart: "Can I really just be here? Am I really allowed just to be here on my own. Really? Can I? Can I really? (Silly me, of course it is me who is allowing myself to do things, but sometimes I forget it :)
Here is rarely anybody else. Maybe a random dog walker. There is a water fountain below the hill. You can hear it purling, which is very relaxing. In the winter time here is a great sled hill where we go daily with Nemo and I also took a Japanese couchsurfer here last winter to get a sled hill experience for the first time in life.

Creepy and beautiful at the same time. This used to belong to a living being.
Some bloody idiot! Now I don't think I can run here barefoot anymore. Not to mention Nemo. Dammit!
When we left through the forest I noticed that somebody had been very humorous. An old "bird house" Apple MacIntosh from the 80's turned into a real bird house. That's the only thing it is good for anymore:)
Favorite place number 2.
Our picnic place and home pond. On a sunny day this is a very popular picnic place.
We find treasures like this here. This is extremely beautiful blue. I guess it is sent by Nemo's guardian angel.We are heading to the place number 3.
But on our way we pick and taste some wild raspberries first.
Here is the place number 3. My little purling stream. Purling sound is very relaxing. One reason for that is probably because it is a message to the brain that there is flowing water nearby which is important to all living things.
I always wonder if this is just one tree or two separate trees. They are both equally thick and tall. What do you think? I call it the Twin Flame tree. Maybe that tree's soul has divided into two equal and opposite individuals to learn along two different paths.
After the stream we would have gone to the fourth favorite place, the long dock of the bay, next to the boats. But it started suddenly raining so we turned back home. I have shown it before, it is our ice cream and stawberries eating place if You remember.Bye and see You soon <3
Beautiful pictures Tiina!!! Miss my neighborhood! <3