My friend came over for a photo shoot session. We were going to photograph his new clothes bought from our trip to Berlin in May.
I searched some Bayerische dirndl/Oktober fest/Alpine Heidi clothes too from my closet and found this, actually Wizard of Oz:s Dorothy's dress. I didn't even have to change the way I usually put my hair, because my space/geisha/lolita girl hair suited perfectly for this outfit! So what a crossover!
So, Oktober fest time! Can I offer you some Lidl's pilsner, here you are!
My friend's outfit is just great! Can you almost hear the lederhosen creak?
Then to the Alps! If you fill my stein with pilsner I want to yodle! Yodleee-deee-eeee!
Yodleeee-deeeee-eeeeee! Where are my sheep?

He loves Jürgen, not me!
Besides, Hansel is Gretel's brother, so he can't be my prince anyway.
Hansel wants to have some more pilsner.
My day in the hills has come to end I know
A star has come out to tell me it's time to go
But deep in the dark green forest
Are voices that urge me to stay
So I pause and I wait and I listen
For one more sound for one more lovely thing
that the hills might say
My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds
That rise from the lake to the trees
(The Sound of Music)
Oh, there he is, I can see him coming! If he really loves me he should bring me Edelweiss.
But still no Jürgen in sight...So Hansel is having one more pilsner.
Auf Wiedersehen and see You soon! <3
I searched some Bayerische dirndl/Oktober fest/Alpine Heidi clothes too from my closet and found this, actually Wizard of Oz:s Dorothy's dress. I didn't even have to change the way I usually put my hair, because my space/geisha/lolita girl hair suited perfectly for this outfit! So what a crossover!
So, Oktober fest time! Can I offer you some Lidl's pilsner, here you are!
My friend's outfit is just great! Can you almost hear the lederhosen creak?
Hmmm, Lidl's pilsner tastes excellent.

There must have been something in the Lidl's pilsner...
...because suddenly we were like Hansel und Gretel in the psychedelic gingerbread house.
But it was fun! We didn't meet any bad witches or anything like that.
This is a must cliché photo from the Oktober fest -thing. One restaurant in Helsinki looked for workers with an ad with a photo like this. So no doubt what kind of a workers they wanted: Brainless but not breastless. I think this is appealing to the mental infants logic: breasts---->nutrition.
There really is a connection with breasts, infants and beer. When you are breastfeeding and milk is not rising, a bottle of beer helps milk to rise to the breasts. As a mother who brestfed over a year I know! But I said just one bottle. Otherwise alcohol and little children just don't belong together. Some people in Finland just don't seem to get it and that's a pity.
Yodleeee-deeeee-eeeeee! Where are my sheep?
Hansel apparently got drunk from a pint of Lidl's pilsner!

Then my turn!

My heart wants to sing ev'ry song it hears
I go to the hills when my heart is lonely
I know I will hear what I've heard before
Where is my Alpine Prince?
I want to give him this Edelweiss. And I hope he gives one for me too!
Oh, there he comes!
But what is he saying...?
Ich möchte die Edelweiss für Jürgen geben! He loves Jürgen, not me!
Besides, Hansel is Gretel's brother, so he can't be my prince anyway.
Hansel wants to have some more pilsner.
While he is waiting for Jürgen.
Climb every mountain, search high and low
Follow every by way, every path you know
Follow every by way, every path you know
A dream that will need, all the love you can give
Everyday of your life, for as long as you live
Climb every mountain, ford every stream
Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream.
Everyday of your life, for as long as you live
Climb every mountain, ford every stream
Follow every rainbow, till you find your dream.
(Climb Every Mountain, Sound of Music)
My day in the hills has come to end I know
A star has come out to tell me it's time to go
But deep in the dark green forest
Are voices that urge me to stay
So I pause and I wait and I listen
For one more sound for one more lovely thing
that the hills might say
My heart wants to beat like the wings of the birds
That rise from the lake to the trees
(The Sound of Music)
Oh, there he is, I can see him coming! If he really loves me he should bring me Edelweiss.
Auf Wiedersehen and see You soon! <3
mahtavaa. kyllä se berliini sai paljon hyvää liikkeelle kun noin hienot vaatteetkin löytyi. ja kaljan voimalla saa nuin hienoja kuvia aikaiseksi
VastaaPoistaKiitos! Kyllä tosiaan Berliinin syke sai luovuuden ja Edelweissit kukkimaan ja baijerilaisen kansanmusiikin tahtiin ja muutaman Lidlin pilsnerin voimalla tämä luotiin :)