Hi again! I haven't had time to update my blog much lately, but here are some pics from my little Halloween party.
Nemo the pirate is fighting against the poisonous spiders before the party.
The guests had to survive through this spider web hallway in the dark with spiders grabbing their hair. Here the hallway is still in full light.Here I am waiting for the guests to arrive with a knife in my hand. I was just cutting something in the kitchen but the knife slipped to my hand, as you can see from my dress. How clumsy of me!
The spider web corridor in different lightning.
Then to the kitchen...
I wanted this cake to look as slimy and disgusting as possible.It finally turned out like this. Do you think there is more than meets the eye in this cake? There certainly is eye candy!
Partying is in my blood. I love these coasters which I made for some Halloween party years ago.
I also made some disgusting looking soup which I forgot to photograph. And of course there was lots and lots of Halloween candy for the kids hidden in secret places for them to find with a map.
Would you like to come to the ghost corridor with me? Come on, there is something I'd like to show to you.

The toilet. In the toilet it looked something like this. It's the reflection of my star lazer.
And if you turned the lights on...This idea of putting some red colour in the toilet seat was so silly I had to try it.
Or would you like me to cut something bloody for you to eat? Like...my arm?
One of the guests had just visited Japan. I love this Japanese Halloween card!
Things like that can just happen on Halloween.
Watch out children, there is something waiting for you just around the corner...