lauantai 31. elokuuta 2013

Hyvinkää Housing Fair

I made a post about this summer's housing fair in Hyvinkää (kept 12.7.-11.8.)
Here I we are leaving to Hyvinkää 59 km from Helsinki. I was wondering if I should take Nemo with me or not. He said he doesn't want to come, but surely a child doesn't yet know what he likes. I know I loved housing fairs as a child, but I thought maybe it is just me. But finally I decided to take Nemo with me. And I am glad I did! He was so excited. He was running around the houses yelling and screaming and laughing:" I love this house!" and: "Look at this sauna, this bedroom, this playroom...! etc. People around us were having fun because of Nemo's enormous joy. But after about ten houses Nemo started to have enough about running all the stairs and rooms on a very hot day. But his mom had the energy to go through all the 31 houses of course.
What would I say about this year's housing fair? Very nice, but nothing mind blowing however.
I love this bridge and water idea!

A pool table under the deck.
I love big walk-in closets. Show me a female who doesn't!
Here is one idea I would have loved as a child. Two princess rooms, both having a loft bed and a small window on the wall between them. Me and my sister would have climbed through that window to the other side all night probably.
The loft bed on the other room.
I also love this painted map idea.
A sauna heater can be beautiful too.
A heavy metallist's aquarium.
A guitar room.
If the sauna, tar and booze doesn't help you, the illness is fatal. (I can see the humor and idea here but personally I wouldn't want the words 'booze' or 'illness' or 'fatal' on to any of my walls in my home.)
Bye and see You soon! <3

keskiviikko 28. elokuuta 2013

The Most Charming Way to Change the Sheets

Last Thursday's outfit, the Night of the Arts. The dress/tunic bought from Rome. The triple spiral or triskelion necklace is from Norway. It is an old Viking and Celtic symbol (among other things).
Shoes are from H&M. One of my best shoes to walk, feels like walking on the cotton balls, soft somehow.
Yesterday's dress was this French blue one.
Bought from Ateneuminkuja's Serpenttiini years ago, still loving it to bits. The brand is Lady Lol Paris (lol :)
And finally today's top (Lissa).
Lady Lol changed the sheets today. Changing the sheets went on to whole another level after seeing this video. On Youtube below this vid there is this dude's comment: "Video is like me trying to put my duvet cover back on after I've washed it!". Keep that comment in mind while watching this video. I bet you can't help laughing at least a bit :) 
How very charming way to change the sheets.
Bye and see You soon <3

maanantai 26. elokuuta 2013

Beautiful Weekend with a Pinch of Luxury

Lovely weekend. I went to Porvoo. I was supposed to meet someone there just shortly and come back, but it was such a beautiful sunny day and Porvoo is so charming and pretty little town so I decided to stay for the whole day. I hadn't got a camera with me (only pocket camera with no power and my phone camera is useless) and it really bugged me, because I saw such beautiful things: summer's last strawberries at the marketplace, ships and boats and blinking sea water in the golden sunlight, beautiful old buildings, a charming Jugendstil (Art Nouveau) cafe, luxurious cakes and pastries... I could have photographed for hours, if I had had the camera.

I am trying to tell myself that I don't have to photograph every beautiful thing I see. Sometimes it is just enough to experience without taking photos. Sometimes photographing detaches from the experience, sometimes it makes it more intense. But in any case, I realize that I pretty much feel like an orphan child without a camera.

I went to the church up on the hill again. It was only now that I realized the unicorn on the wall, I didn't noticed it the last time when I was there in May. Very unusual symbol in the church, I don't remember seeing the unicorn anywhere in the world before (in the church). When you encounter the unicorn, it always means something good. The unicorn is the symbol of innocence and purity of the heart. It also symbolizes connection to the nature's spirits.

I wore this dress that day and also put it on the next day for a little Prince Viktor's 2-year old birthday. Both day's were so beautiful and sunny that it would have been a sin to wear anything else than this dress, which is of course Pussy Deluxe.
No pics from Porvoo then but luckily I can show You some nice birthday and cupcake pics. I have never been a guest at such a luxurious 2-year old birthday party before. I mean look at this menu here!:

I tasted the mint-chocolate and mango cupcakes. Orange-chocolate and vanilla only with my eyes.  Everything tasted heavenlicious.
 My friend has an amazing bed also. I MEAN LOOK AT THIS BED! The birthday boy climbing onto it here.
The bed's canopy curves are repeating the curves of the beautiful windows.
This little sofa belongs to the bed also!
Nemo, the birthday boy Viktor and his beautiful mom. And the singing and dancing tools :)
A long and warm day, lots of sociality. The little birthday boy just fell asleep. It is hard to be the focus of attention all day. Good night, sleep tight little birthday boy!
Then a little wine toast with the moms. What a lovely party :)
Bye and see You soon! <3