keskiviikko 31. lokakuuta 2012
tiistai 30. lokakuuta 2012
New Friend (from Outer Space?)
The other day I went to the psy trance party at the Venue club. You have seen this space tripper's outfit before, but this is one of my favorites, so here it is again! Because I was the birthday girl I got in for free, so I saved 20 e, so good for me :)
On the dance floor there was this boy who was a really good dancer, amazing actually, in an unusual way, like from the outer space or something. He clearly knew how to play with energy. When the place was about to close I went to him and said: "Hi! You are a really good dancer. I would like to be your friend. Can I be your friend?" He was a bit surprised but smiled and replied: "Yes, I can be your friend". And now we are friends. Sometimes life is just so simple! :)Me and my messy castle. Clothes and books and shoes around. I would like to be a better organizer.
One night Nemo was jumping on the bed and said: "Mom, we are living in an old castle. You are a princess and I am a little king." So lovely you already know, Nemo. Except that I am the queen, but for you I can play the princess. :)
I made this hair decoration at Annantalo's Japanese popculture day.
We also made ikebana there on another day. I really had to keep myself from bursting into tears when I saw one ikebana arrangement made by a child. Is that normal behaviour?, I don't know. It was just so beautiful (not either one of these below, I haven't got a photo, my camera unfortunately run out of batteries). I just know I have been Japanese in my past life and I made ikebana back then, I felt it in my heart. :)
I had a chance to wear these (second hand) shoes for the first time. Love them! Thanks for the Mother Earth again for her abundant gifts!
This way, that way, my stockings are saying. There are no directions in space, so it doesn't matter which way you go. Bye! :)maanantai 15. lokakuuta 2012
Hide the Granny, Lumps and Queen's sofa - Habitare 2012
We went to the Habitare fair with school.
I love these glamorous led light stairs...
...and lovely sofas...
...and tables.
These colourful wall decorations are yammy!

I fell in love with Meritalia's sofas...
...especially with these colourful "lumps".
Back to Finnish section. What is this? Hide the granny away from the sight in her rocking chair?
I want to mention especially Iina Ojala's Comma rocking chair.

There was many exceptional paintings like this with the hot air balloons. Even the security camera top left is a painting!
Back to the Italian section. This huge unsymmetrical sofa is definitely one of my favorites.
Suitable for the queen!
These unsymmetrical chairs are also charming!
Lovely day with colours, fabrics and lots of new inspiriting ideas. See You! :)
I love these glamorous led light stairs...
...and lovely sofas...
...and tables.
These colourful wall decorations are yammy!
The Italian section was the best.

I fell in love with Meritalia's sofas...
...especially with these colourful "lumps".
Back to Finnish section. What is this? Hide the granny away from the sight in her rocking chair?
I want to mention especially Iina Ojala's Comma rocking chair.
It is so relaxing I almost fell asleep in 10 seconds. Reeeeally good.

Back to the Italian section. This huge unsymmetrical sofa is definitely one of my favorites.
Suitable for the queen!
These unsymmetrical chairs are also charming!
Lovely day with colours, fabrics and lots of new inspiriting ideas. See You! :)
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